Search results for "mokeela', mokeela'an"

mokeela', mokeela'an n woman Tashin hach'ami' mokeela' ta'ishta' nan. Those young women saw me. Ta'ishta' na' k'oliswa'an mokeela'an. I saw the little woman. (sem. domains: - Old person, 4.1.2 - Types of people, - Woman, - Youth, - Adult.)

balak', balaak'i pregnant (as in: to be pregnant) Hewetta' taa mokeela' balak' hospitlaw. That pregnant woman walked to the hospital. Yatta' dokton' mokeela'an balaak'i. The doctor talked to the pregnant woman.

homuk', homook'a adj friendly Amilta' 'amaamin homuk' noono'. The friendly man helped them. Ta'shit na' homook'a mokeela'an. I saw the friendly woman.